Earn money online by testing websites - UserTesting
UserTesting.com is providing usability testing to website owners in an inexpensive and fastest way. They wanted to bridge the gap between no user testing and expensive user testing.
UserTesting.com provides the opportunity to earn money online by testing websites. UserTesting.com has a panel of "user testers" to do this job by using their portable software.
The rate of pay is 10 US dollars per website which is very handsome.
To know more about the site and start to earn money online by testing websites go through the following link.
http://www.usertesting.com/BeTester/index.aspxLabels: Usertesting
Part time Online Jobs by ROBOTIX TECHNOLOGIES
ROBOTIX TECHNOLOGIES (Govt Regd) Offers training in building own robots and providing part time online jobs opportunities for all. They are leading in providing part time online jobs opportunities not only in INDIA but also over the globe.
In order to do complete their part time online jobs you just need little bit knowledge of internet and browsing and spending your spare time.
Their main stream concern is robotics. They create the awareness among the students about robots by conducting robocamps across Universities and Engineering colleges.
The nature of part time online jobs provided is reading emails, participating in surveys, answering questions, viewing advertisements less than a minute, sharing photos and files, playing games, giving review about some websites or products, writing articles, data entry, creating a website and ads posting, paid to search, form filling, affiliate marketing and many more.
They teach you about these part time online jobs in a step by step process which makes their process very easy to understand by anyone.
Their package cost is INR 350/- only and for international members just 7 US Dollars. To know more about their site and join, please visit at
Work from home - Data-out-sourcing Income Explosion Program
There is only one website which not only tells you that how to work from home by article writing as well as also tells you other effective ways and methods to work from home. It is
Data-out-sourcing which is providing two main programs the first one is
In house Project and the second one is
Explosion Program.
Explosion Program is intended for those people who are looking for long term career in Internet with Royalty Income. This program will help you greatly to become your own boss.
The main content of Explosion Program is Article Program. In this program you can write article at your own or just modify the given article and submit them for payment. You can earn up to $3 to $20 per article for 1000 impression views or by sale.
The other complementary methods include how to make your own blog and promote it. In this way, you will be able to work from home and earn from Google Adsense, Adbrite, ClickBank, Amazon, Paydotcom, etc., as well as from your own written or modified article.
You will be given training material in written form along with snap shots as well as live training through phone, messenger or on screen.
Since in this program you will be paid directly by client companies to whom you choose to work with. Therefore,
Data-out-sourcing will charge you nominal fee of $33 to cover their detailed training costs. Once you joined you will recognize that
Data-out-sourcing is right to charge this nominal fee. Being the part of
Explosion Program, the author is pleased to say that the ideas and training provided is really very useful and results oriented.
Good news
You can pay just $25 instead of $33 to get registered in this program. This offer is only available if you get registered through this blog. You will not get any discount if you get registered directly. Don’t miss this limited time offer.
Please note that this offer is not available to Indian residents.